b'Paving Stones | 63Special PRODUCT INFORMATION OrderPallet wt2,711 lbs Sq ft per pallet78.24 sq ftLayers per pallet8Sq ft per layer9.78 sq ft4 x 8 and 4 x 4 all on one pallet. Each layer contains 6 half units.UNIT DIMENSIONSHeight3 1/8" (80 mm) Height3 1/8" (80 mm)Width4" (100 mm) Width4" (100 mm)Length8" (200 mm) Length4" (100 mm)Units/Pallet328 Units/Pallet48Units/Layer41 Units/Layer6Units/Sq ft4.5 Units/Sq ft9Sq ft/Unit.22 Sq ft/Unit.11 SPECIAL ORDER ONLY PMultiple colors available. Becomes permeable when installed according toContact us for details. ICPI specifications for permeable pavements withopen-graded base and sub-base for infiltrationMinimum quantities apply. and storage.VIEW FULL GALLERY'