b'Homeowners Guide to Selecting Paving StonesDEFINE YOUR PURPOSEMost paving stones work beautifully for patios and walkways. However, areas with heavier traffic, like driveways, require a specific thickness relative to paver size for added durability. For your convenience, each paving stone in our catalog lists recommended applications so you can choose with confidence.CONSIDER WHETHER YOUR INSTALLATIONSHOULD BE PERMEABLEIn areas with drainage concerns, a permeable paver installation is recommended. Ideal for eco-conscious landscaping and sustainable design, permeable paving allows water to flow through the paver joints and into the ground below, reducing runoff and promoting groundwater recharge. Look for this raindrop symbol next to pavers in our catalog to identify options suitable for permeable installations.P Stormwater Brick (p. 61) in a permeable installation SELECT THE RIGHT PAVING STONE SIZE FOR YOUR SPACELarge pavers create a modern, open look,Small pavers offer flexibility in layout andCombining paver sizes within a single making them perfect for expansive patiospattern, ideal for intricate designs andarea can add depth and a custom feel or contemporary landscapes. They cansmaller spaces like walkways or gardento your design. This approach works also make small spaces appear larger bypaths. Theyre also easier to handle, whichespecially well in larger spaces, breaking minimizing joint lines, adding to a clean,makes them a popular choice for DIYup expanses of stone and adding visual seamless design. projects. texture.'